With intense competition in many markets, to generate interest in a property your listings need to be on their A game. What better way to put many buyer concerns to rest than to have a home inspection to show them?
For the price of a home inspection, your listing will shine in a sea of other properties on the market for the simple reason that buyers don’t like surprises. The belief on the part of buyers that new homes likely won’t have any significant issues may have some credibility, but it is unlikely that a 10-to-15-year-old property won’t have some items that need to be addressed.
Build on this by getting a home inspection, then having any issues addressed and highlighting the fact that they have been corrected. Even better, provide receipts from reputable contractors showing that the work has been completed.
This will pique buyer interest for two reasons: The first is that only a conscientious homeowner with nothing to hide would be likely to expose their home-warts and all-to potential buyers. Buyers sense this and will respond.
As well, many buyers would sense an opportunity. If there are issues that haven’t been dealt with, they can negotiate price reductions or other concessions with the sellers. And DIY buyers, in particular, are motivated, knowing they can handle the issues they already know about, and that they’re not likely to encounter surprises.
Finally, sellers will have peace of mind knowing buyers are fully aware of what they’re buying.