Top 5 Insurance Concerns for Business Owners

Business owners pour their hearts, souls, and resources into making their enterprises run well and generate profit. However, even the best-run business needs insurance for when the unexpected happens. Here are the top five insurance concerns business owners have when it comes to insurance coverage.

Data breach/cybersecurity: As major corporations battle hackers and news of data breaches makes national headlines, business owners are increasingly concerned that their online transactions and sensitive information will be exposed.

Complaint or dispute: No matter the size of the business, there are often a myriad of agreements one must enter into. Sometimes, divergent points of view lead to a payout for one party or another that the business must cover.

Injury: Injuries abound in our everyday lives. From small to large, they can cause havoc in our personal lives. These concerns are only magnified when you’re responsible for what could happen to customers, employees, and others.

Property damage: Whether property damage results from natural causes (such as a flood, hurricane, or tornado) or a burst pipe, few businesses have the cash on hand to completely repair and replace their lost inventory and supplies and get back to normal without an insurance policy.

Auto concerns: Oftentimes, personal auto insurance will not cover business activities, so any time an employee gets behind the wheel of their own personal vehicle or a business-owned vehicle, an insurance policy should be in place to cover each possible situation.

Let us help you review your policies and determine what specific coverage is best for you. Give us a call or email us today.